
Thursday 4 August 2011

Year 1; Summer: Microcline and Interior Design

Ast looked up at the statue, the center piece of the settlement.
 "This... really doesn't look like me. I'm pretty sure I have two eyes. I have two eyes, don't I, Calm?"
 "I don't know, I think it's a great likeness."
 "But I have two eyes."
 "Are you sure?"
Ast looked perplexed a moment, then lurched toward one of the barrels of ale. With a hefty grunt, he picked one up and wandered off to one of the caves Kol and Alast has carved out as makeshift bedrooms. Udib watched, and shook his head in despair. This was the dwarf in charge, the Great Leader, perplexed by the question of the number of eyes he was born with.
 "Kol, I think you've broken our Great Leader."
 "Oh, that's brightened my morning, thank you Udib." she said, with a broad smile. Moments later, Udib entered the sleeping quarters. Ast was asleep, barrel of ale next to him, half empty mug of ale balanced precariously on his belly. After a moments contemplation, Udib turned on his feet, across the cave and entered the second quarters, and flopped onto one of the beds, asleep.


 "We've been digging out this big old rock for hours. Why?"
 "You want somewhere sturdier to sleep than a dug out cave, right? So get digging."
 "And when we're done, Kol?"
 "Then me and Ilral will get building. Udib requested the first building. He said if he's going to get anything done he needs an office."

 "And you've got this all planned out?"
 "I had Ilral draw up plans, look - A chair and table, with stairs leading up to a bedroom."

 "What's that thing square shaped thing on the left?"
 "Udib likes to tinker with precious rocks, I thought I'd build him a little workshop to play around in. Urist knows we need whatever we can to keep us sane around Ast."
 "We'd better get working then, the sooner we get that done, the sooner we all get such luxuries."
 "Don't worry Alath, I've already got put things in motion. Just a little longer."


Udib scuffed his feet as he wandered from the communal bedroom to the bright outside. He rubbed his eyes, and as he opened them, Shorast stood in front of him.
 "Gah! Dulla-- oh, Shorast. Sorry. Hello."
 "I want to get some farming set up. We don't have much to eat or drink. There's a lake perfect for setting up an underground plump helmet farm."
 Udib nodded. "Really? I was sure we had enough."
As if by fate, Shorast turned and pointed at one of the two horses milling around the grotesque statue. One of them wobbled on its feet, then, stiff as a board, keeled over sideways and slumped onto the grass.

 "Oh. Yes, best set up a pasture for now. I'll get Ilral and Kol to help you get a farm and a brewery set up."
Shorast stopped and pointed into the distance.
 "Udib... what is that?"
Udib squinted, and then strode off to the hills edge. He turned with a stony look on his face.
 "There are dwarves here. Why are there dwarves here?"
Clambering their way up the hill were seven dwarves looking hungry and not altogether happy. The dwarf leading the group, an older female with chestnut hair, stopped upon spotting Udib. She hailed to her companions, and then strode towards Udib. The two met, face to face, faces perplexed, and in unison, spoke their minds.
 "What are you doing here?!"
The female pounded her chest once proudly, puffing out her chest.
 "We were sent on an important mission of exploration by the King! We were informed this place was deserted!"
Udib sighed.
 "Yes, we were told the same. Something is clearly not right. Is this your group? Where are your supplies?"
 "We were attacked by wolves. I managed to fend them some off, but there were too many of them. We had to abandon our wagon."
Udib stroked his double braided beard thoughtfully.
 "Hmm. Right, well, you'd better get up here then. We don't have much food but we're in the process of farming. Maybe some of your lot could help speed things up. I will warn you, the dwarf who calls himself our leader is a few rocks short of a boulder."
The female dwarf nodded. She always maintained a stern look.
 "Let me introduce you to my crew, the Ink of Aces. The shifty looking one there Domas; if you want anything crafted from metal then he's your dwarf. This is Geshud, he's good with a needle, he can stitch up your clothes or a wounded dwarf, and he's handy with a mace too. This is Inod, my right hand dwarf. She's a dab hand at farming and building, and she can craft something from practically anything. Reg here is a good scrapper and tanner. Ezum and Shem here... well they don't really do much of anything. She tells stories and he eats too much. My name is Kel. I tame armour with my hammer as well as I tame the wild beasts around here."
 "Excellent, excellent. You'll fit right in.We don't have too many beds at the moment, and we're in the middle of setting up homes of our own."
Udib led the dwarves back to the camp, introducing dwarf to dwarf. Ast was nowhere to be seen. Udib led Kel to the bedrooms, and found Ast still sound asleep, a handful of mugs scattered around the floor.
 "Ast! Get up!"
The Great Leader sat bolt upright. "I HAVE TWO EYES!"
He rubbed his two eyes, and looked at Kel and Udib.
 "Oh, Calm and... who are you?"
 "This is Kel. We have a lot to discuss."

[End of season notes]

Kol took forever to get the building done, and it was only when the migrants turned up that things started getting done. In getting Udib's house done I genuinly forgot I had to feed these guys, so I hastily dug out an area for the farm. I didn't realise that the area I dug out was all dolomite. No soil or clay. Arrggh! So I had to extend that and dig out a new area on the other side of the lake that had some clay ground.

The migrants took me by surprise in general. I didn't think any would show up this soon. There's barely anything sorted for the dwarves I do have, let alone another seven more, but it keeps things interested. I was pleasantly surprised with Inod, who has two levels in practically every form of craft. Next time, Udibs building should be done and some farming, but I'm going to have to step up my game if I'm going to keep these buggers alive.